Article owned by team: IT Service Desk



What to expect to happen to your Student Login Account once your academic course has finished



Tena koe,

Thank you for studying at Otago Polytechnic. 

Now that your study period with us has finished, you maybe wondering what will happen to your student login account. 

This is what will happen

The First 75 Days

For the first 75 days, nothing will happen.

You'll still be able to access all the Office 365 services, as you normally would as an enrolled learner.


After 75 Days is over

If after 75 days you have not re-enrolled in another academic program with us, then your student Office 365 license as an active learner changes to an Alumni license.

This means you will lose access to the Office 365 software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and so on), but you will retain access your student email and OneDrive.

Your former student login account is now at "Alumni" status.

If you continue to occasionally access your student email or the Student Hub, your former student login account will remain at "Alumni" status indefinitely. For years, if you like!


How do I keep my former student login account active?

To keep your former student login account active, it must be accessed at least once every 179 days.

Access methods include:

  • Logging into the Student Hub via a web browser to the Otago Polytechnic Student Hub
  • Syncing your student mailbox to Outlook on a laptop or mobile phone or tablet
  • Connecting a mobile phone or tablet to the EDURoam wi-fi network at any participating organization world-wide
  • Visiting Otago Polytechnic and logging onto a public computer

Of all the methods, syncing your student mailbox is probably the easiest method, especially since it can sync on most email clients (such as Outlook) as a secondary email account while you sync your primary personal or work email.

You can find information on how to sync your Student email to a mobile phone here:  Setup devices for Office365


What if I no longer care about my Student emails or OneDrive content?

Then simply walk away from your old student login account.

After 180 days of user inactivity, your old student login account will be retired, and all email and OneDrive content will be destroyed.

If you do have any content you want to keep, then best solution is to back it up to somewhere safe.


What if I decide to return to study with you in later years?

No problem.

If you start a new program with us down the track, your student login account will be re-activated.

If your student login account is at Alumni status, your Alumni Office 365 license will be replaced with a Student Office 365 license.

You will then get access to the Office 365 suite again (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and so on)

Your password will remain the same as you had set it.


If your old student login account was retired, a new student login account will re created with the same login name, but the password will set to the EBS Default Password.

All your former email and OneDrive content will be gone, and you get to start afresh.


What are the snags?

The Office 365 services available under the terms and conditions of the Microsoft Office 365 licenses are subject to any changes made by Microsoft, which are beyond our control.

We will try to keep this information as current possible, but Microsoft may change these service offerings at any time. 


Please understand that once a student login account has been retired, all content is lost forever, and we cannot recover it for you.

If there is anything you are desperate to keep, then consider making a backup copy on another storage device (like a USB memory stick) or an different cloud storage system, like DropBox , GoogleDrive, or any other reliable cloud storage service.



Who can I contact for help or further information?

You can contact the IT Service Desk Team for help or more information

You can call us during business hours on 0800 765 948

Or email us at 

Please remember to give us your full name at the time you were studying - your Student ID number if you have it, (otherwise include your date of birth to allow us to find your student details), and a contact phone number.



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